The Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras submitted his resignation and called a snap election on Thursday evening, with the...
The possibility of early general elections being called has increased in the weeks following the Euro Summit agreement, with the...
The Minister of State Alekos Flampouraris urged dissident government MPs to give the coalition a vote of confidence in order to...
The provisional leader of the main opposition party Evangelos Meimarakis lashed out against the government and underlined that...
While the government has focused its efforts in the critical negotiations with the institutions, in order to reach an agreement by...
The leader of the River Stavros Theodorakis has declared that his party will support any agreement with the country’s...
The Alternate Minister of International Economic Relations Euclid Tsakalotos warned that if an agreement with the country’s...
The majority of the Greek people are in favor of remaining in the Eurozone and reaching an agreement with the creditors...
The Alternate Minister of Social Insurance Dimitris Stratoulis warned that unless the creditors back down on their demands...
The leader of the main opposition Antonis Samaras has rejected the prospect of early general elections, instead favoring a...
The Vice President of Parliament Alexis Mitropoulos commented that early elections appear to be inevitable, following the...
“There is no chance of the partners not backing down […] the point is to come to an agreement, not whether the deal will be...
The Greek government is making preparations for a default in case the negotiations with its creditors do not result in an...
The government has not confirmed or denied the possibility of early elections or a referendum, while providing support to its...
The Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is set to make a return to his rhetoric from 2012, when he stressed the possibility of...
The main opposition party SYRIZA has interpreted the speeding up of the Presidential elections as a prelude to early general...
The leader of the River party Stavros Theodorakis appeared on Yannis Pretenteris’ “Anatropi” television show on Monday...
The leader of the main opposition party Alexis Tsipras gave a speech in Giannena where he demanded early general elections...
The coalition government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi has ruled out the possibility of early elections on occasion of an...
The leader of DIMAR Fotis Kouvelis appeared on SKAI on Tuesday morning and argued that he would be open to forming an...