The president of the Independent Greeks Panos Kammenos lashed out against the polling companies via his twitter account, after the publication of exit polls show that his party appears to make it in Parliament.
Mr. Kammenos commented that “after the ‘pollsters’ fought us vulgarly all month long” they are “slowly trying to rectify” their polls. Earlier he asked in a tweet how the «point-by-point pollsters» will «explain the 6-point difference«.
After voting formally ended at 7pm, the Independent Greek’s Terrence Quick estimated that his party would receive about 4% of the vote.
Αφού οι «δημοσκόποι» μας πολέμησαν πρόστυχα όλο τον μήνα πάνε σιγά σιγά να διορθώσουν ΠΟΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΠΑΤΕΩΝΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝ.ΜΑΚΕΔ. Το 1.7% ΠΟΣΑ ΠΗΡΑΤΕ
— Panos Kammenos (@PanosKammenos) Σεπτέμβριος 20, 2015