The director of the unified supplementary pension fund ETEA T. Papanikolaou appeared on Mega Channel on Wednesday morning and revealed that he has proposed a 5.2% across the board cut of supplementary pensions. According to Mr. Papanikolaou, if the proposal is accepted, pensioners will be receiving about 10 euros less, as the average supplementary pension is about 200 euros.
The ETEA director claimed that the cut was “the smallest possible” and that there was a legal obligation to restructure supplementary pensions in accordance with legislation voted in 2012. Mr. Papanikolaou estimated that “this may be the final cut for this year”.
SYRIZA MP Alexis Mitropoulos commented that the announced pension cuts are only the start of series of cuts that are intended to eliminate supplementary pensions entirely in response to the “zero deficit” clause which was recently introduced and demands that all funds must report on their deficits each semester.