Elefsina Port Authority: 12.15% increase in net profits before taxes in 2022

The company’s strategic plan and results

Elefsina Port Authority: 12.15% increase in net profits before taxes in 2022

The dynamic course of the Elefsina Port Authority (EPA) SA continues with a steady increase in profitability in 2021 as well, after the leap in revenue by 130% on the profits recorded in 2020 compared to 2019.

According to the financial results of the year 2021, EPA SA presented an increase of 12.15% on net profits before taxes, which amounted to 1,672,522 euros compared to 1,491,337 euros of the previous year.


The results before interest, taxes, investment results and depreciation appear profitable, recording an increase of 11.22% and amounting to 1,754,121 euros against 1,577,124 euros in the previous year.

The total income of the EPA SA showed an increase of approximately 6% and amounted to 6,262,135 euros compared to the previous year which was 5,910,873 euros.

Gross operating profits recorded an increase of 2.4% and amounted to 3,976,910 euros compared to 3,883,688 euros of the previous year.

Also, the turnover of the Organization showed an increase of 3% compared to the previous year, amounting to 5,968,319 euros compared to 5,791,798 euros of the previous year.

Efficiency and profitability

The above financial data demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategic actions of the Administration of the EPA SA with CEO Mr. Apostolos Kamarinakis, aiming at the modernization of the Port of Elefsina to strengthen the Greek port system, as well as the development of the national and local economy.

The increase in profitability continues despite the fact that EPA SA has implemented, with its own funds, a series of projects in areas of its jurisdiction, with the aim of protecting the marine environment and promoting the Land Zone of the Port of Elefsina:

-definitive removal of shipwrecks, which were abandoned for years and created problems for navigation,

-repairs of buildings and configuration of a single building complex, which upgraded the image of the beach front,

-technical projects for the landscaping of the Land Zone of the Port of Elefsina and its promotion as a walking and leisure area,

– placement of a sculpture, next to the central commercial port of Elefsina, which promotes the cultural character of the city and its connection with the sea.

Also, in the said expenses of the EPA SA also includes the cost for the electrification of the communal areas of the Elefsina Port Land Zone, which have been declassified and assigned to the Municipality.

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