Conflagration in Ilia, Evros and Lesbos: Huge ecological disaster

Firefighters battled the flames overnight in order to bring the fire fronts under control Aerial means began their battle at first dawn

Greece is in the grips of a fiery nightmare, with fronts raging in Ilia and Evros, while Lesvos is also going through tough times, with fires burning still out of control.

According to the morning update from the Fire Department, at this time no settlements seem to be threatened and with the first light of the day, aerial means took off towards all fire fronts.

Firefighters battled through the night to tame the flames. And Monday will be a dangerous day, combining an “explosive cocktail” of dryness, very high temperatures and strong winds.

Dadia: 112 message on Sunday night

Late on Sunday evening, a new 112 message was sent to the residents of Dadia Evros, where the great ecological disaster in the Dadia-Lefkimmi-Soufli National Forest Park continues.

A similar scene took place in Ilia, with at least six settlements evacuated and reports of burnt houses in Skylloudia and Krestena, reviving memories of the deadly fire of 2007.

Uncontrolled fire front in Dadia crossed the firebreak

The ongoing changes in the direction and intensity of the wind in the area of ​​Dadia continue to fuel the now multi-day effort to extinguish the fire which in its wake has caused extensive damage to the National Park.

Speaking to state news agency APE-MPE, the head of the Alexandroupolis Forestry Office, Giorgos Pistolas, who together with his colleagues from the neighboring Soufli forest offices and with members of forestry cooperatives are in the area in order to contribute to logging and the creation of firebreaks, stated that shortly before 21:00 at night, the fire, due to the strong wind, crossed the firebreak south of the Information Center of the National Park Management Unit, threatening the Center which has been evacuated, while the mobile operational center has also been removed from the site of the “Olympos” Fire Service.


Battle to save rare bird species

Speaking on MEGA’s main news bulletin, the director general of the natural environment and climate change organization, Yannis Mitsopoulos, noted that the situation in the region remains difficult.

“The situation has not changed since yesterday. There is a big battle, personnel from the army, the fire brigade, the forest service and many volunteers, are there.”

According to Mr. Mitsopoulos, “a firebreak is being built that cuts the park in half to prevent the fire from passing and to save black vulture nests”.

The firefighting forces are hampered by the direction and not so much the speed of the wind, as well as the topography of the area.

“The fire will certainly keep burning for several days as there are active fronts. The forest is dense, most of the water stays on the trees and does not reach the ground below where the fire is burning. We need patience.”

Dramatic hours in Ilia

Meanwhile, residents of Krestena Ilia spent hellish hours until late last night as the fire headed southeast towards the village of Gryllos and the area of ​​Agios Athanasios.

As of last night, 125 firefighters were operating with seven fire department teams and 43 vehicles.

In the village of Gryllos, the elderly were evacuated as a precaution, and a message was sent from 112 warning residents to avoid movement in the area. Fire department spokesperson Mr. Artopios reported that a precautionary evacuation order has been given for the villages of Krestena, Frixa, Makrisia, Skylloundia, Gryllo and Vrina.

Hell in Lesvos

The fire front is still ongoing in Lesvos, near Vatera.

The battle of the firefighting forces yesterday, took place between Vrisa and Vatera as there were continuous flare-ups on the fire front.

After a recommendation from the Fire Department, the settlement of Vrisa and the settlement of Stavros were evacuated.

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