Posidonia 2022: Fast forward to the largest maritime exhibition

More than 18,000 international visitors are expected to visit “Posidonia”

After a short break due to the pandemic, the international shipping exhibition “Posidonia 2022” returns and will take place from 6 to 10 June at the Athens Metropolitan Expo, where 1,929 companies from 88 countries will exhibit their products and services.

In total, 24 National Pavilions from Europe, North America and Asia have confirmed that they will present their shipping credentials during the exhibition, which is expected to be attended by more than 18,000 international visitors.

A program of 68 conferences and seminars will run alongside the Exhibition, through which shipping industry leaders, regulators and government officials from around the world will provide participants with access to useful information and developments. Already, 10 Vice Presidents and Ministers from countries with a strong maritime tradition as well as the EU Commissioner for Transport have confirmed their plans to visit Posidonia 2022.

This year’s exhibition is larger

“Despite all the adversity, we managed to cover the entire exhibition space and now the need to create additional exhibition spaces becomes imperative,” said Thodoris Vokos, CEO of Exhibitions Posidonia SA, which organized the event, which first exhibition in Greece that received an ISO certificate which confirms its viability, thanks to a series of initiatives and improvements that it has introduced in order to reduce its environmental footprint.

“This year’s exhibition is 7% larger than the previous one, in 2018, an increase that reflects the dynamism, the vigor and the progress of the Greek shipping, which invests a lot to upgrade the quality and technology of the existing ships, to differentiate “What it offers by adapting it to the needs of the markets, and renewing its fleet by adding new ships designed to meet the new regulations,” he added.

The power and investment disposition of the Greek shipowner community, which controls 21% of the global displacement (dwt), are the main reasons for the global impact of Posidonia. Greece remains the largest ship-owning country in the world, with a fleet of 5,514 ships and represents 59% of the EU-controlled fleet. From 2019 the Greek-owned fleet increased by 7.4% and from 2014 by 45.8%.

Shipping Minister: “Posidonia” is the biggest celebration of shipping

The Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Giannis Plakiotakis, stated, among other things, that “Posidonia was established as the timeless institution of global promotion of the best example of a creative and productive Greece, our shipping, for more than 50 years. The strengthening of our maritime presence everywhere in the world, has a strong positive impact on the overall image of our country ”

M. Travlou: Greek shipping is a leader with strength and will

Melina Travlou, president of the Union of Greek Shipowners, said: “Greek shipping is a leader in strength and will, and in the energy transition. We utilize our accumulated know-how and experience. We chart the developments and honor our leading position, of 21% of the world capacity and 59% of the European one. We position ourselves with concrete, realistic and effective proposals in the challenge of green, but also sustainable shipping. It is clear that the return of Posidonia, after 4 years, will offer a dynamic communication platform of the most innovative and technologically advanced operating capabilities of our industry. As the Hellenic Shipowners’ Association, we welcome the organization of Posidonia, with the certainty that, not only will it meet the modern, high expectations of the international shipping community, but it will also exceed them “.

G. Pateras: We are finally free to promote our field

The President of the Hellenic Maritime Chamber, George Pateras, stated that “Posidonia 2022 is a great celebration for the Greek Shipping and for the world Shipping in general. After all these limitations and trials brought about by COVID-19 we are finally free to advance our field and exchange innovative solutions to many of the problems and challenges we are called upon to face in the future. We will see our old friends and we will make new ones, we will tell all our adventures and our news for all this period of 4 years that we had not met. I wish good luck to all the exhibitors and speakers, and a big thank you to the guests who will honor us with their presence. And do not forget to enjoy the beauty of Greece. ”

Piraeus Mayor: The optimistic, creative and extroverted spirit of the country is highlighted

For his part, the mayor of Piraeus, Ioannis Moralis, stated: “Posidonia is of great importance for Greece, for the national economy, for shipping and consequently for the city of Piraeus. Piraeus is the base and the city in which the heart of Greek shipping beats, the first pillar of the national economy that stars in all the lengths and breadths of the oceans. Posidonia highlights the optimistic, creative and extroverted spirit of the country and reflects the vision we have as a Municipal Authority for a modern Piraeus, a port city, worthy of major European ports. We work systematically and in collaboration with the co-competent bodies, in order for our city to emerge as a modern business, tourist, shipping and commercial center of international recognition and scope. The economic and social reconnection of Piraeus with the sea and the port, is the common component of all our efforts “.

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