Within April and more specifically in the next one to two weeks, any decisions will be taken for temporary and targeted measures for rising prices, according to the Deputy Minister of Interior, Stelios Petsas.

According to SKAI channel, the government is listening to market suggestions on issues such as VAT on food and decisions are expected in April, as it is the month in which the medium-term plan for the institutions is drawn up and submitted.

The horizon is April

“We will wait a while, the next 1-2 weeks to clarify this thing. I do not think we are too far from that “,” the plan is the medium term. “The horizon is April, so whatever interventions are to be made, temporary and targeted, will be made during this period”, stressed the Deputy Minister

Mr. Petsas pointed out that the government is adapting to the conditions and moving in such a way that it will not shake the confidence in the Greek economy. He referred to the measures already taken by the government to deal with the accuracy and in particular, the subsidy on electricity bills, the refunds on oil or gasoline, the precision allowance that will be given before Easter, the increase of the minimum wage.

“What we now have to see is whether other parametric interventions are needed, such as those mentioned before your information (VAT on food), which, however, we must incorporate in this plan. “It is crucial to show outwards and inwards that we are joining prudently,” said Mr. Petsas.