EODY: 49 COVID-19 deaths, nearly 29,000 new infections, 351 intubated

The rapid increase in the number of fully vaccinated intubated patients in ICUs is due to the fact that EODY registers individuals who have had only two vax jabs, and not the now necessary third booster shot, as “fully vaccinated”

EODY: 49 COVID-19 deaths, nearly 29,000 new infections, 351 intubated

The National Public Health Organisation (EODY) today announced 49 COVID-19 deaths, and a whopping 28,933 infections (32 confirmed at points of entry into the country) confirmed in the last 24 hours.

With the newly announced deaths, a total of 27,392 Greeks have died of SARS-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic, 95.3 percent with an underlying medical condition and/ or age 70 or older.

A total of 2.97mn infections have been recorded by EODY since the beginning of the pandemic (a daily increase of 1.0 percentage point).

Of infections confirmed over the last seven days, 166 are believed to be linked to travel abroad, while 1,226 have been traced to a previously confirmed case.

Intubated patients, hospital admissions

There are currently 351 intubated COVID-19 patients (65.5 percent men), with a median age of 70-years-old, and 91.2 percent have an underlying medical condition and/ or are age 70 or older.

Of intubated patients. 58.4 percent are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, while 41.6 percent are fully vaccinated (this last percentage was just 18 percent three months ago

Since the beginning of the pandemic, of something over 15,000 COVID patients treated in ICUs, only 4,439 have survived and been released.

The rapid increase in the number of fully vaccinated intubated patients in ICUs is due to the fact that EODY registers individuals who have had only two vax jabs, and not the now necessary third booster shot, as “fully vaccinated”, according to Anastasia Kotanidou, head of the ICU at Athens’ Evangelismos hospital (Greece’s largest and a COVID reference hospital) and the national ICU coordinator.

Kotanidou noted that 92 percent of citizens over age 60 are registered as “fully vaccinated” with just two jabs.

In the last 24 hours, 453 COVID-19 patients have been admitted to hospital (a daily increase of 2.72 percentage points). For the last seven days, the average daily number of admissions was 419 patients.

The median age of patients with newly confirmed infections is 36-years-old, while the median age of those who died was 79-years-old.

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