Patras: Eight answers for the death of three children of the same family

The next moves of police, the schedule, the strange events and the new cycle of coincidences

Important answers to nine critical questions about the so-called “thriller of Patras” with the unexplained death of three girls aged seven months, three and a half and nine years within 33 months that have come under the spotlight of the public were revealed in “To Vima tis Kyriakis” newspaper.

Through these reports, it is determined exactly what Hellenic Police – EL.AS. is looking for, what will its next targets be, the new data that have emerged and what may be the aggravating data for those involved in the case.

1. At what stage is the investigation of EL.AS. concerning the death of three children in Patras?

30% of the research has been completed by collecting all the medical records of the hospitalization and the deaths of the three children, by taking testimonies from doctors of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, with conversations with the doctors in charge of “Aglaia Kyriakos” where Georgina, the eldest of the girls passed away .

The electronic data have also been collected from the recordings of the defibrillator that had been placed on Georgina’s body, but also from signals sent by a special device to the girl’s relatives, which did not show that there was any health incident.

The results of the tests concerning any underlying genetic condition were also handed over to the family in question. These were negative.

According to information, all the evidence converges on the lack of any “medical” explanation for the death and other health incidents that the nine-year-old had, specifically when she was not under the supervision of doctors. And this certainly gives a specific direction to the investigation by EL.AS.

2. What will the next move of EL.AS. be?

In the next few hours, a transfer is expected to Patras of a group of the Attica Security Homicide Department investigating the case – probably three or four officers – who will begin to receive successive testimonies from 30-40 doctors and nurses of the University Hospital of Rio’s ICU Clinic and the Karamandaneio Children’s Hospital based on lists that have already been sent to EL.AS. by hospital managers.

Karamandaneio’s doctors and nurses are expected to refer to their belated notification by Georgina’s mother when the girl suffered, on April 11, 2021 (about 20 days after the also mysterious death of her seven-month-old sister, Iris) a heart stoppage that caused her permanent brain damage. They will also provide documents on the real state of health of the nine-year-old when she was admitted to the hospital, which seems to differ from the descriptions of the mother concerning bronchopneumonia and gastroenteritis, which she stated that the doctors had diagnosed.

Also, the doctors of the ICU and the Pediatric Clinic will refer to a series of unexplained health problems that the little girl had only when she was in the ward alone with her mother and while when she was transferred four or five times to the ICU she did not present any problems. In fact, it is possible that they will talk about their plan to install surveillance cameras in the ward where the girl was being treated.

3. Is there an investigation into the deaths of the other girls?

Histological and toxicological examinations for Georgina’s death are expected at this stage, with the main question being to determine whether her death could be due to pathological causes, something that doctors consider – based on the current findings – extremely unlikely.

In addition, the forensic records of the deaths of three-and-a-half-year-old Malena in 2019 and seven-month-old Iris in 2021, which were attributed to pathological causes that are now disputed scientifically and in substance, will be reviewed. Thus it is considered likely that there will be a final opinion on deaths that are not attributed to pathological reasons. Something that will give a specific direction to the research of EL.AS. who will look for the “external factor” that caused the death of the three children.

4. Is this exclusion of “pathological causes” enough to lead to any accusation of “deliberate action”?

No. But in such a case, there may be a combination of dozens of testimonies from doctors and nurses about health problems or the deaths of children that occurred when they were alone with a relative, when there was no medical supervision, most of the time  asleep, while most events happened over the weekend.

Reports of belated reactions from the mother when her children suffered heart attacks, her request for a single room, her questions about cameras in hospitals, etc. will also be factored in. The same for the strange event with the death of Iris in the family house in Patras, where for several hours, oddly enough, no one had approached her.

5. On the part of the relatives of the three girls there are reports that there was intubation at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, videotaped episodes with collapses of her health, etc., where there was also the presence of doctors. Doesn’t that show something different?

Initially, doctors said that the intubation at the Onassis center was not due to an “invisible”, undetected health problem, as suggested by relatives of the girl (who, unfortunately, already had severe encephalopathy), but because she suffered from a nosocomial infection and increased fever. The videotaped incidents at the Pediatric Clinic in Rio are due to an unknown reason and they have an unknown start time, since the camera of her family had not yet been activated.

In addition, doctors note that the “mysterious seizures” that Georgina allegedly had (similar reports existed for Malena) were the so-called myoclonic seizures, a common result of encephalopathy. They add that these children may also present tachycardias as an inability to express feelings.

6. The relatives of the girls report that a special “genetic” test is pending to determine if the deaths of the children can be explained by a pulmonary disease. Is this true?

According to doctors, such a check-up is indeed pending, but it is of short range and of limited interest for any “apnea” problems that Georgina may have had.

However, with doctors pointing out that such a test took place, with the so-called “capnography” test, in the ICU of Patras and was absolutely negative. Adding that if the nine-year-old had an apnea problem it would have been apparent from the first months of her life. After all, apneas do not explain the deaths of the other girls.

7. Are there other strange time coincidences and strange circumstances that concern the police?

Certainly. A few hours before the sudden death – on March 21, 2021 – of Iris in her crib there were family quarrels that had led to the father of the girls abandoning the family home in Patras for the first time (in the couple’s ten-year relationship).

On April 8, 2021, when the hitherto healthy Georgina was admitted to hospital and suffered a strange heart attack, the father had scheduled a meeting with a lawyer from Patras for filing divorce proceedings and this had been made known to his wife. Police officers are also puzzled by posts from the mother including data of medical records with references to major health problems (strokes, cancer, etc.) are problematic, but were not confirmed by further research.

8. In how many days will the investigation of EL.AS be completed? And will there be a “catharsis” in the case?

It is estimated at 30-45 days, unless there is another unexpected event.

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