Surge of COVID-19 epidemic continues with 70 deaths, over 7,000 infections in last 24 hours

According to data released today by the National Public Health Organisation (EODY), there have been 7,105 newly confirmed cases and 70 deaths (95 percent with an underlying medical condition and/or age 70 or older) in the last 24 hours.

With hospitals in various regions of the country at the verge of collapse, the epidemiological map of much of Greece is in deep red and the number of deaths, intubatations, and new infections is rapidly rising with new record numbers each day.

According to data released today by the National Public Health Organisation (EODY), there have been 7,105 newly confirmed cases and 70 deaths (95 percent with an underlying medical condition and/or age 70 or older) in the last 24 hours.

That brings the death toll to 16,493 and the number of confirmed COVID-19 infections to 808, 297 (daily rise of 0.9 percent) since the start of the pandemic.

There are 489 intubated patients (61.6 percent men) with a median age of 66-years-old. Of these, 82.8 percent have an underlying medical condition and/0r are age 70 or older, 83 percent are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, and only 17 percent are fully vaccinated.

In the last 24 hours there have been 429 hospital admissions of COVID-19 cases (daily increase 4.38 percent). The average number of daily admissions over the last week is 385 patients.

The median age of patients with newly confirmed infections is 38-years-old and the median age of those who have died is 78-years-old.

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