Ruling New Democracy (ND) party again fielded a comfortable double-digit lead over main opposition SYRIZA in the latest opinion poll results unveiled on Monday, presented on an Athens television station’s prime-time newscast.

According to results of the poll, conducted by the Marc firm, center-right ND is given a 12.8-percentage point lead over leftist SYRIZA.

Respondents were also asked about a landmark Greek-French defense cooperation and weapons procurement agreement, with an overwhelming majority being in favor. For instance, nine out of 10 respondents who divulged they voted for ND in the last election saying they approved of the agreement.

The div was six out of 10 respondents who declared that they voted for SYRIZA in 2019.

In terms of voters’ intent in any coming general election, ND was preferred by 34.8 percent of respondents; 22 percent for SYRIZA. Another four smaller parties, all represented in Parliament at present, picked up single-digit support, with only Yanis Varoufakis’ Mera25 party falling below the 3-percent threshold, at 2.7 percent.

Overall, when asked about the defense agreement with France, 53.1 percent of respondents said they view is as positive; 22.1 percent as probably positive; 12.1 percent said they view it as negative; 7.5 percent as probably negative, and 5.2 percent of respondents did not answer.