OECD – Assessment of Greece for bribery of public officials

The aim is to record the implementation of the Convention for the Suppression of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials

The on-site assessment of Greece by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is coordinated by the National Transparency Authority regarding the implementation of the Convention for the Suppression of Corruption of Foreign Officials. This evaluation concerns the 4th evaluation cycle of the country and will be carried out from 28.09.2021 to 01.10.2021 at the premises of the Authority. National Authority

During the four days of work, the OECD team for the Fight against Corruption consisting of three OECD officials, two assessors from Korea and two assessors from Lithuania (prosecutors and senior civil servants) will have working meetings with more than 80 representatives of the public and of the private sector.

In particular, prosecutors and judges, members of parliament, executives of private companies and public organizations, representatives of trade unions, chambers, civil society organizations and journalists will participate in 20 different thematic sections, contributing their experiences to the relevant discussions.

This assessment is particularly important, as the findings and recommendations to be reflected in the report are analyzed by the bodies of international organizations and national governments, as well as by the academic community and professionals of public and private organizations, who follow the developments in the country. us.

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