According to a statement from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, one week after the observance of the mandatory vaccination in the structures, the percentage of vaccinated people shows an upward trend.

Specifically, in the period of July, in the private establishments for old age and disability, the vaccination rate of the workers was at 62%, while today it is more than 85%. In public venues, there has been a huge increase, as 45% of workers were vaccinated in July and today 90% of the total has been vaccinated.

It is pointed out that the applications for acceptance for employees who cannot be vaccinated due to compelling health reasons – which are few in number – have been submitted and they will judged by Monday 23 August. In this case there is an extension of time as to the extent of the work suspension.

Overall, the measure is effective and no major gaps appear to be emerging. It is recalled that, last year, 500 recruitments were made in welfare structures to deal with the pandemic emergencies.

In any case, the replacement of suspended employees, where necessary, is carried out through fast recruitment procedures with three-month contracts, with the possibility of renewal for an additional three months, with a fixed-term employment relationship under private law.

“Compulsory vaccination of workers in structures is not an attempt to impose an opinion. It is an essential part of our effort all these months to preserve the health of our grandparents. The first week shows us how this is perceived. The responsibility and professionalism of the employees are increasing the percentage of our vaccinated fellow citizens. All together, the State, employees and administrations, for a year now, we have been building the wall of immunity against the risk of the virus. We protect our people with all the tools we have “, said the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, in charge of Social Policy, Domna Michailidou.

It is reminded that for reasons of protection mainly of the most vulnerable citizens, as of Monday 16 August, in private, public, municipal and church structures, only those who have been vaccinated can work. Unvaccinated workers are suspended until they are vaccinated, in accordance with the relevant provision of law 4820/2021.