Mitsotakis: ‘What links Tsipras to Maduro?’

Greece's main opposition leader drops innuendo about possible improper ties between PM Alexis Tsipras and the Venezuelan leader.

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis today denounced the government’s support for Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, whom he described as “the dictator of Venezuela”.

“A democratic way out of the tragedy of Venezuela must be found as soon as possible,” Mitsotakis said, aligning himself with an EU ultimatum to Maduro that free and fair elections be held within days.

The ultimatum was rejected by Maduro.

“Mr. Tsipras, who characterised Maduro’s power as ‘a model that should be emulated in Europe’, is offending Greece by insisting even now on supporting him. I wonder what exactly is it that links Mr. Tsipras to the dictator of Venezuela?” Mitsotakis asked

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