The Turkish foreign ministry issued statement today declaring that Ankara will not accept “advice” from Greece on issues if international law pertaining to the delimitation of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and of territorial waters.

“As regards the delimitation of maritime jurisdiction areas, Turkey, as was the case before, will continue to act in line with the equitable principles and all relevant special circumstances. In this vein, there is no advice that we would get from Greece with regard to the delimitation techniques within the framework of international law,” the statement declared.

Yesterday, the Greek foreign ministry issued a statement in response to Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar’s interview, in which he indicated that Ankara will not accept the delimitation of any maritime borders in the Aegean or the Mediterranean without Ankara’s consent, and that Greece is obliged to demilitarise its eastern Aegean islands.

The Greek statement said that the delimitation of Greece’s EEZ will comply with international law.

“The delimitation of the Greek EEZ in its entirety will be determined based on international law, and certainly without taking into account the unfounded and arbitrary theories espoused by Turkey, which is a violator of international law,” the Greek foreign ministry had stated.

Regarding the demilitarisation issue, Athens rejected the Turkish demand out of hand.

“Regarding issues of demilitarisation, the well-known positions of Greece stem exclusively from International Law and the UN Charter and leave no room for doubt. Greece is not going to be drawn into an exchange in aggressive rhetoric. We call upon our neighbour Turkey to act with due seriousness and commitment to the principles of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations,” Greek foreign ministry spokesman said in a 25 October statement.