Editorial: Older than the old political parties

The PM unabashedly skews reality, as if Greeks do not know what world they are living in, and essentially says that he and his junior coalition partner have done everything almost perfectly.

Mr. Tsipras may constantly depict himself as the person who has renewed the political scene in Greece, yet as his speech to the SYRIZA central committee confirmed, he represents all the ills of the old political system that he condemns.

He unabashedly skews reality, as if Greeks do not know what world they are living in, and essentially says that he and his junior coalition partner have done everything almost perfectly.

He bears no responsibility for the cursed memorandums, as if the one he signed was different than the previous ones.

The tragedy of the Mati wildfire is not due to the incompetence of his ministers and cadres, but rather to “the rants of an extreme right main opposition party that is cynical and ruthless”, and which, armed with lies, mudslinging, and propaganda, is attempting in every way to return to power.

The PM again promised battles and struggles to avert a restoration of the extreme-right. He did not dare to utter a word of self-criticism about the errors, self-confessed self-deceptions, and administrative incompetence that have been the rule during his administration.

The only thing that concerns the prime minister is how he will survive in the game of politics. That is why he now remembered the party and its procedures with an eye to the next general elections. As his own comrades have often confessed, he systematically ignored the party all along, and remained indifferent to any criticism that some dared to express.

It is obvious that in this effort to survive politically, the prime minister will by any means necessary attempt to deceive citizens once again.

He is a master of the extreme polarisation that he accuses the opposition of cultivating.

The PM is indifferent to whether that policy is torpedoing the country’s course, in a period when logic should and political stability should prevail.

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