Bakoyannis: Cheap borrowing ends, austerity remains

'Greece needs a new start with seriousness. The Greek citizen must know that the politicians who address them with few promises will tomorrow act on what they have said,' New Democrcay's shadow economy minister aid.

New Democracy MP and former foreign minister Dora Bakoyannis has said that 21 August should have been a day when Greece would turn a page, but instead it was the day that cheap borrowing from European creditors ends and Greece must stand on its feet and face the markets, which now display great distrust in the Greek economy.
“On the one hand cheap borrowing has ended, but austerity will continue with governmental commitments to creditors worth 5.5bn euros. Over-taxation, the lack of investment, and the lack of growth act as a noose around Greek citizens, that gets tighter daily,” said the shadow Economy and Development minister.
Regarding civil service hiring, Bakoyannis said that there should be “targeted hiring” in the sectors of healthcare, education, and police, based on qualifications. “That does not mean that there will be hiring of gardeners in areas that there are no gardens,” she said.

“Greece needs a new start with seriousness. The Greek citizen must know that the politicians who address them with few promises will tomorrow act on what they have said. However, in order for pledges to be implemented they must be serious, and pursued with a plan. Bakoyannis noted.

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