The wildfire tragedy in Eastern Attica, and the hecatombe of dozens of our unjustly lost fellow citizens, casts a heavy shadow over the entire country.
The deadly fire shocked everyone, transmitting waves of insecurity and uncertainty to all Greeks.
It brought to light the weaknesses of the state, especially the administrative and political deficiencies of the government, which until recently was boasting that it is the best and most effective government over the last decades.
It is not just the government that is to blame. In this case the prime minister himself was irreparably exposed. He and his associates did not manage to check the great threat. They tried to temper negative impressions.
They exhausted their efforts over the last days with a communications-based management of the crisis, with unprecedented audacity and cynicism, provoking citizens.
Most people accused the government of deceit. The blamed the prime minister for attempting to deceive the public on the night of the fire, by participating in a poorly staged performance to justify the fire, even as dozens of people had died.
The entire development and the clear problematic management of the crisis literally sank the government, and dealt a decisive blow to the prime minister.
For the first time Mr. Tsipras is the focus of criticism, with waves of generalised doubt and denunciation.
Those in the know are aware that within the ruling party, unprecedented clashes are taking place. In the middle all this is the prime minister himself, whose abilities are now being openly disputed.
Many believe that Mr. Tsipras’ political hegemony was lost in the ashes of the great fire, and that he no longer has the forces or the opportunity to reorganise his party and government.
The sensationalist diversionary tactic that is being planned, with bulldozers tearing down illegal structures, will likely worsen the problematic image of the government rather than improve it.
The common conviction is that the entire system of the current government is being destabilised.
That is being discussed by the Embassies of Western countries in Athens, and there are expressions of doubt regarding whether the country can exploit opportunities for economic progress, which the exit from the bailout programme may offer.
Moreover, foreign investment schemes that have expressed an interest in Greece were expecting an exit from the programme, and a return to the markets, in order to invest securely in Greece.
Bankers and businessmen now note that following the recent, tragic event, there is a return of political danger. That will most likely extend the waiting period, and suspend any investment plans.
The markets have already evaluated the revived political danger, and that was reflected in a rise of the interest rate, which is again four percent, of Greek ten-year bonds.
With a destabilised government fighting for its own survival, the capacity to exploit opportunities arising from the bailout exit becomes extremely limited.
In short, a government that is disputed and destabilised hinders rather than benefits any progress citizens may expect.
When conditions of denunciation, destabilisation, and inability arise, there is no dilemma.
Now, the only road left for the country is that of political change.
The only duty of the disputed and incapable prime minister is to hold elections.

Nothing else.