Public Order Minister resigns after public outcry

'The natural disaster and the loss of so many of our fellow humans overrides my will to continue, as I had said from the first moment,' Nikos Toskas said in his resignation statement.

Citizens’ Protection Minister Nikos Toskas resigned today, after a barrage of criticism over his management of the deadly wildfires and his statement that he could not find errors in the management of the crisis.

“I am trying for reasons of conscience to find mistakes, but operationally I cannot find major errors. For reasons of conscience I tendered my resignation to the prime minister, but he told me that in the hour of battle we carry on, and he did not accept it,” Toskas had said.

Toska’s statement after the resignation

Nikos Toskas’ resignation statement is as follows:

“I owe heartfelt thanks to the prime minister for the trust that he showed me during the entire time that he assigned me governmental responsibility.

The natural disaster and the loss of so many of our fellow humans overrides my will to continue, as I had said from the first moment.

I have tried throughout my life to contribute to the defence and protection of this country and his citizens.

I thank all the men and women of the Fire Service, Greek Police, the Armed Forces, and the Coast Guard, as well as volunteers who fought with all their might to confront the inferno, and helped to save people.

I thank everyone who supported me, and especially those who stood by me during difficult times.”

Tsipras thanks Toskas

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras issued the following statement on Toska’s resignations.

“The courage of a general is measured not only in the hour of battle, but at the time of accounting. I warmly thank Nikos Toskas for his integrity and the dedication that he showed in carrying out the duties that I assigned him.”

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