Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias are meeting this afternoon to discuss relations with Moscow, even as an escalating war of words between Athens and Moscow threatens to bring Greek-Russian relations to an unprecedented low point.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is cancelling a visit to Athens that was planned for September, according to a statement by the Russian Ambassador to Athens, Andrey Maslov.

Reuters, citing a wire from the Tass news agency, indicated that the Russian side views the timing of the visit to Greece as “no longer suitable”.

In his statement, the Russian ambassador suggested that Moscow intends to expel Greek diplomats in a tit for tat following the recent expulsion of two Russian diplomats and the barring of entry into Greece of two other Russian diplomats.

Neither how many Greek diplomats might be expelled nor the timing was mentioned by the Russian envoy to Athens.

“We have already stated that we will proceed with counter-measures in response to the decision. I do not know when, who, or how many, but there will be retaliatory measures, as usually happens in such cases,” Maslov said.

After yesterday’s war of words between Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova and the Greek foreign ministry, Russia-Greece relations have further deteriorated.

The expulsion of Russian diplomats, and the expected expulsion of Greek diplomats from Russia, are moves that are unprecedented in the two countries’ relations