«The markets will never forgive douple-speaking,stoppingreformations and polarization. Returning to normal is not served that way», says the presiden of Greek Industrialists, Theodoros Fessas, during an interview.

Mr. Fessas judged the government about a bill contracted by the Ministry of Labor including provisions that are not welcomed by both employers and epmloyees and continued; «At the same time, there is an attempt to divideentrepreneurship between «bad» or «good» emploers….». He pointed out that, at the same time, «the government has inaugurated significant investments some of the Greek Industrialists have done».

Generally speaking about the reformations the government is trying to make, Mr Fessas pointed out that they are limp, saying the administrative reformation has stopped, also referring that some of them are utterly «gone», such as are the changes of collective agreements. «I don’t know why we should return to the past», he said.

Yesterday, speaking to the Greek Industrialists, Alexis Tsipras tried -without any hope- to dismiss responsibility about the bill regarding with pension reduse, but also to create a confrontational -against Industrialists- profile, accusing them for overacting «about pension reduse».

At the same time, he implied a connection between Greek Industrialists and New Democracy, the party that he accused of wanting to reduse pensions, while New Democracy testified an amendment during that very noon, which asks for a repeal of Katroygkalos Law, which Alexis Tsipras and SYRIZA – ANEL government have voted and is supposed to reduse pensions from January 1st of 2018.