It is obvious by now that the time bomb that is Panos Kammenos can explode at any moment.
That is evident both in the statements and in the general political stance and behaviour of the defence minister.
The time has come in which all his contradictions and opportunistic games during his political career are being revealed.
The truth be told, Kammenos was foolish, and now he is falling victim to his foolishness.
He became known as a preacher of the ant-memorandum struggle and ended up as a servant of the memorandum.
He was seen in the past as an exponent of the ultra-religious, nationalist right, and at the same time he was chasing the Left in the period of “counter-terrorism”. He ended up collaborating closely with those whom until recently he viewed as gun-toting allies of street politics.
He was also a fervent opponent of corrupt vested interests, but he did not hesitate while in power to identify himself with certain ones of those interests.
At times, he depicted himself as the protector of public funds, but on his watch and amidst a great depression, there was plenty of waste.

He was also the spiritual child of the late PM Konstantinos Mitsotakis, but now he behaves as an outcast.

Now, Mr. Kammenos is bedeviled by his many contradictions and the obvious lack of consequence that characterise him.
That is why he is losing and getting lost. He knows that and is trying to hold on to something. Yet, the reserves of tolerance have been exhausted. Audacity is not enough to cover it. Even those who were until yesterday his allies are turning away from him.
The game is over. Now he has no other choice than self-immolation.
Mr. Kammenos is finishing loudly, just as he began.
As Lefteris Kousoulis wrote, the collaboration with Tsipras is essentially over, and it only needs to be confirmed formally. It is a matter of time.

(PS: It is certain that Mr. Tsipras has bitterly regretted the choice he made after the second elections of September, 2015. Now, he is hostage to a mismatched partner, with his bridges burned with all ideologically kindred parties..)