The governmental crisis in Germany demonstrates in the most categorical manner that we are living in an ever more unstable and uncertain world. The revival of nationalism, with the migration issue as the catalyst, combined with the increasingly widespread disappointment of citizens, erodes the social fabric and undermines the foundations of the political system.
Just a few months ago, a governmental crisis in Germany was inconceivable. Yet, the most stable – and most developed – country in Europe today faces the prospect of a collapse of the ruling coalition. The ultimatum of the leader of the Christian Social Union, and until yesterday a basic ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel, regarding tougher border controls for migrants, is indicative of the antitheses that have emerged.
We all understand that a crisis in Germany will not be limited to within its borders. It will have catalytic repercussions throughout Europe – including Greece – as the climate of xenophobia and racism spread at an ever faster pace. From Hungary and Austria it spread to Italy, and now to the country which, objectively, shouldered the biggest burden of the migrant crisis.
If we factor in the tactics of the unpredictable – and now dangerous – leader of the superpower, the international political setting is becoming nightmarish. The erstwhile alliance between Europe and the US is becoming dangerously shaky, if one considers Trump’s irrational, direct attack on Merkel.
The only way out for the German Chancellor is to manage to strike a European agreement on the refugee issue, which is no easy task with so many populist leaders in power.
Either way, Greece is at the frontline of the problem and will be in a very difficult position, even if an agreement is reached, as most countries do not appear willing to share the burden.
The difficulties do not end with the migration issue, as the emerging uncertainty will have a more general impact on the economic climate, at a time when the Greek government is expecting a clean exit from the bailout memorandum.
Given the heavy climate due to the FYROM naming agreement, and with instability looming over Europe, the next day will not be a cakewalk.

In Athens, everyone seems oblivious to all this. The government is continuing its divisive, domestic games, in a bid to cut its losses from the Skopje deal. Unfortunately for the prime minister, his belated hymns to Merkel will not help him or the country, if a storm breaks out.