Tsipras: ‘Investing in education is investing in the future’

' It is our duty to continue serving the aim of upgrading public education and its role in society,” Tsipras tweeted.

“Investing in education is investing in the future,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted, even as students nationwide began the annual ordeal of the Pan-Hellenic (Panelladikes) university admissions exams.
“Good luck to all the students who as of today entered the Panelladikes Exams process. With the support of parents and teachers, I hope that you will confront this trial with calm, and the conviction that the struggle for knowledge never ends,” the PM’s tweet read.

“On the contrary, it takes on many different forms during our lives and it is one of the most beautiful [struggles]. It is our duty to continue serving the aim of upgrading public education and its role in society,” Tsipras concluded.

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