Tsipras calls for debt relief, tells Greek industrialists fiscal discipline will continue

Tsipras said that his government is finishing up the third and last bailout, having implemented a drastic reform programme that affected the entire economic system, and which restored Greece’s credibility and image internationally.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, addressing the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, expressed confidence in a smooth transition to the post-bailout period and underlined that Greece will continue to meet or exceed its fiscal targets in the coming years.
Tsipras said that the Greece no longer poses a systemic threat to Europe but instead is a pillar of regional stability in the southeastern Mediterranean and the Balkans.
In that context, he cited the progress in reaching a settlement with FYROM as one of the elements that has improved Greece’s credibility internationally.
Tsipras said that his government is finishing up the third and last bailout, having implemented a drastic reform programme that affected the entire economic system, and which restored Greece’s credibility and image internationally.
The PM said it is now the time for Greece’s partners to keep their part of the bargain as regards a debt relief package that is viable and that will endure over time, opening up prospects for the economy and establishing conditions for growth.
“Now it is the turn of our partners to make a move that demonstrates in practice their trust and recognition of our efforts. It should be the right solution, which everyone is expecting,” Tsipras said.
Tsipras noted that lenders and the OECD now unqualifiedly recognise Athens’ efforts and that this trust will be crucial in guaranteeing a smooth return to the markets after the end of the current fiscal adjustment programme, in August.
The PM appeared to indirectly leave open the prospect of requesting a precautionary credit line, when he said that because of developments in Italy, “everyone understands that the decisions we shall take must correspond to the challenges and needs of the period”.

Moreover, Tsipras reiterated that the next general elections will come at the end of the governments term, in the autumn of 2019.

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