Former prime minister George Papandreou will meet with FYROM Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov in Athens this afternoon as part of an initiative to help forge a common position among Greek parties that would facilitate a settlement on the FYROM naming issue.

In the context of that initiative, Papandreou met yesterday with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias.

He was briefed on developments in various policy areas, and shared feedback he has received from his international contacts, in his capacity as president of the Socialist International and former PM.

Dimitrov will meet with Kotzias and UN mediator Matthew Nimetz in Athens on 12 May.

Papandreou is now a member of the political council of the centre-left Movement for Change, headed by Pasok president Fofi Gennimata.

Papandreou had previously informed Gennimata about his planned series of meetings.

Papandreou is scheduled to meet tomorrow with main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Papandreou is also planning visits to Turkey, Cyprus (where efforts are underway to jump-start settlement talks), the US and China.