The effort to skew reality was and is a permanent feature in the tactics of SYRIZA and of Mr. Tsipras personally.

Yesterday in Mytilini, where he went with a strong riot police and police force, he tried once again to deceive citizens with the leitmotif of black propaganda, of the opposition and of the media, which cannot hide the reality of his successes.
Indeed, reality is here, and unfortunately for the prime minister and his government, it is sobering and revealing.

The “black front” of propaganda and slander emanates not from the opposition and the…oligarchs, but from the basement of the PM’s Maximos Mansion office. That is where the cesspool of mud, and the allergic reaction to dialogue, criticism, and freedom of the press come from.

He said that the shadowboxing in the trenches does not pertain to him, yet the only thing he is doing is setting up undemocratic trenches in order to save himself, with methods and practices unfitting for a leader of a party that accepts and respects the rules of democracy.

He is belied also by the realities of the economy. Doubts are being cast on the much-touted clean exit from the bailout memorandum. Beyond the pending reforms and the confessed problems with debt relief, growth – the only way to essentially change reality for citizens – is becoming weaker.

Public investment is being constantly pressured. Over-taxation is draining income ever more. Investments, which could have changed the picture, are caught up in the bureaucracy and ideological fixations.

Unfortunately for the prime minister, this is reality. The opposition is not responsible for it, nor are the media that do not present the grand successes of his government as he would like.

Citizens will judge him on the reality that they experience daily. That reality will not be covered over by the clouds of mud that his mouthpieces sling.