In a surprise move that was seen as a show of force within her party, the leader of the centre-left Movement for Change coalition, Fofi Gennimata, has demanded immediate elections.

Having first requested a parliamentary debate on ongoing negotiations to complete the fourth evaluation of the last bailout memorandum, Gennimata’s call for elections now has been variously interpreted.

Many believe that the move essentially annuls the prospect of a rapprochement with SYRIZA, although if there were to be a collaboration between the two parties it would be after the next elections.

Like other opposition parties, the Movement for Change does not believe that a “clean exit” from the bailout memorandum is possible, as there will be enhanced oversight by creditors.

Even worse, they say, the government lacks any clear post-bailout plan for the country.

Essentially, Gennimata believes that Greece is headed toward a fourth bailout memorandum, and that PM Alexis Tsipras lacks the political legitimisation to commit the country to harsh new measures.

The ongoing battle royal between the government and main opposition New Democracy – with angry daily exchanges of charges of corruption and invective – is perhaps the most concerning thing for the centre-left party, which aspires to place third and play the role of kingmaker after the next general elections.

The rapidly heightening polarisation between SYRIZA and ND is very likely to squeeze the base of the Movement for Change inordinately, threatening to chip away at the nearly 10 percent of the vote.