Editorial: Mr. Tsipras’ authoritarian thinking

They slander, target, and convict a priori whomever they think is not in sync with their views and conceptions, on orders from the PM no less, as the government spokesman conceded.

The separation of powers is a fundamental principle of democratic states from the time of the French Revolution and the Declaration of the Rights of Man, at least for those who believe in democracy and do not aspire to establish an autarchic, authoritarian regime.

In SYRIZA’s Greece, however, the rule of law and checks on power are merely details for those in the prime minister’s office, who are interested only in clinging to power.

They slander, target, and convict a priori whomever they think is not in sync with their views and conceptions, on orders from the PM no less, as the government spokesman conceded.

At the same time, they seek to play the role of judge and accuser and general prosecutor of everyone, and they nonchalantly issue convictions, thumbing their noses at the judiciary.

Not only do they dispute the principle of innocent until proven guilty, but they also attempt essentially to direct and manipulate the judiciary in order to annihilate whomever they consider enemies. They follow and implement the worst authoritarian traditions of the communist left, according to which whoever did not agree and did not subjugate himself to the great leader had to pay, even with his life.

These unfree, pro-regime, and undemocratic practices and conceptions cannot and must not be accepted.

Mr.Tsipras and his mouthpieces must understand while there is still time, and to the extent that they can, that in a democracy their totalitarian conceptions and fixations are unacceptable.

The rule of law and freedom of speech and of criticism are not subject to transactions and offsets. They are the non-negotiable foundations of our democratic system, which were won with hard effort and sacrifices.

This newspaper has historically served these values, and it will continue to do so, however much mud as they may continue to sling.

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