The economic climate index in April continued the positive trend of the last months, after an intense decline last month, and is now at 103.6 points, compared to 99.8 points in March, and 104.3 points in February.

According to a study conducted by the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), this development is the result of a rise of indices in all entrepreneurial sector of the economy, with the exception of construction, and of a rise in consumer confidence.

The trend over the last many months is in line with the economic growth rate, which is gradually rebounding , in line with strong growth rates internationally.

According to IOBE, the improvement of the economic climate index in April must be in part attributed to seasonal factors and the start of the tourist season, where one sees a strong rise in foreign demand, with a positive impact on employment, and broader economic activity.

The expected completion of the last bailout evaluation, despite important lingering uncertainties, creates the expectation that the economy will follow an upward trend, as compared to the recent past.

The development of expectations over the next months will depend on the post-bailout conditions that the economy will face, whether a strong growth dynamic can be created or whether the economy will progress weakly, amidst dangers.