Germany to lift airport check on Schengen area citizens traveling from Greece

'The checks performed since then have not shown something noteworthy relating to some kind of ‘grey zone’ regarding illegal entry on flights from Greece to Germany.

The German interior ministry has decided to lift systematic border checks on flight passengers from Greece who are citizens of Schengen Area member-states, according to a report by AFP, citing German ARD television.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has informed the European Commission of his government’s decision, as well as on Berlin’s intention to maintain checks at the border with Austria for another six months.

The border checks on passengers from Greece were instituted in September, 2015, and the last extension ends on 12 May.

In November, 2017, then interior minister Thomas de Maiziere ordered the extension of border checks to flights from Greece, in order to limit illegal entries.

“The checks performed since then have not shown something noteworthy relating to some kind of ‘grey zone’ regarding illegal entry on flights from Greece to Germany. For this reason, we are lifting systematic checks,” a German interior ministry spokesperson said, adding that random checks will be reintroduced, in cooperation with Greek authorities.

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