Tsipras to discuss post-bailout supervision, debt restructuring with Lagarde, Moscovici

When Tsipras had visited Lagarde in October, both underscored the necessity of debt relief as a precondition for returning successfully to the markets and achieving viable development.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will push the issue of medium-term measures to restructure the Greek debt, and discuss the last phase of the current bailout programme, and post-bailout supervision, with IMF chief Christine Lagarde and the EU’s Economic and Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos today.

The meeting comes just four days after the Eurogroup approved the third evaluation of the current programme, leaving a fourth and last evaluation before summer.

When Tsipras had visited Lagarde in Washington in October, both had underscored the necessity of debt relief as a precondition for returning successfully to the markets and achieving viable development.

The debt, the next steps in completing the current fiscal adjustment programme and the post-bailout fiscal supervision mechanism will be on the agenda in talks with Moscovici.

Tsipras will also hold talks today in Davos with Russian Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, and Croatian Prime Minister Andrei Plenkovitch.

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