Group of People’s Fighters claims responsibility for appellate court blast

Prior targets of the group include the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), a Eurobank branch, and the Labour Ministry in Athens.

The terrorist organisation Group of People’s Fighters (OLA) has assumed responsibility for the strong bomb blast at Appellate Court in central Athens on December 22.

Prior targets of the group include the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), a Eurobank branch, and the Labour Ministry in Athens.

In a rambling, 4,500 word anti-capitalist manifesto published this afternoon on a well-known anarchist website, the group blasts the judiciary as an organ of the bourgeois class, denounces the current coalition government as servants of imperialist interests, enumerates a litany of government scandals that allegedly went unpunished, with particular emphasis on Siemens, and names politicians and journalists who they claim were on the take.

There are also references to regional geopolitics and a condemnation of close Greek relations with Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

Two media outlets had been notified by phone prior to the attack so as to allow timely evacuation of the area.

The attack was carried out by four terrorists, one of whom fired at the police guard at the courthouse with a Kalashnikov, without injuring him, and they left the scene in a stolen van that was later found burned. The time-bomb was placed in a bag and left on the steps near the courthouse.

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