Tax cuts contingent on growth says top Syriza MP

‘’The growth of the economy will allow greater opportunities to rationalise the tax system and create a higher quality, targeted social state and welfare state, which our ravaged country needs,’’ Zachariadis said.

Amidst a general uproar regarding over-taxation, the director of Syriza’s parliamentary group, Costas Zachariadis, stated that the growth of the economy is the prerequisite for the lowering of taxes.

‘’The aim of this government is not to feel vindicated with piecemeal policies, but with the big picture. We want at the end of our term in 2019 for particular measures to be linked to a greater good for society, the economy, and the country. The social dividend and the youth stipend have given people a breather, which some hastened to characterise as a gratuity. Of course, such measures do not solve the problem. Of course growth is the answer, with the creation of well paid jobs,’’ he told Kontra News.

‘’The growth of the economy will allow greater opportunities to rationalise the tax system and create a higher quality, targeted social state and welfare state, which our ravaged country needs,’’ he said.

‘’The end of the bailout memorandums signals the end of harsh and often suffocating supervision and the transition to an oversight regime similar to other countries that exited their bailout programmes. As the economy improves over time, oversight will loosen further. We already have the framework of debt relief. By the end of the current programme, we shall do everything necessary to restructure the debt so that it will be similar to that of other European countries that have a large but manageable debt,’’ he said.

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