Convicted Revolutionary Struggle terrorist Nikos Maziotis, who is serving a 50-year sentence in Korydallos prison outside of Athens, was stabbed and beaten in his cell.

He has been transferred to the prison hospital with multiple wounds.

A disciplinary investigation of prison staff has been ordered by the justice ministry’s general secretary for anti-crime policy, Spyros Fytrakis.

According to an anti-authority website that is in contact with prisoners inside Korydallos, the attack was carried out by three prisoners, as seven others looked on, and all possibilities are being explored, including a possible murder attempt.

The wounds were mainly to the head and ribs, and he was stabbed in the stomach.

Maziotis is now in the 36th day of a hunger strike. He is protesting the decision to keep him in an isolation cell.

“Despite the cowardly attack on him by 10 prisoners and the wear of a 36-day hunger strike, he offered stiff resistance,” Maziotis anti-authority comrades stated.

“The targeted murder attempt against our comrade was not completed, as Kurdish and Turkish prisoners intervened and immediately notified solidarity groups outside the prison walls of the attack,” the post read.