EDITORIAL: Opportunity for new centre-left party

The successful conclusion of the process of choosing a leader for the new centre-left Democratic Alliance (Dimokratiki Symparataxi) creates new realities on the broader political stage.

The mass participation of members and friends in the electoral process is the best starting point for the organisational and political reconstitution of this part of the political spectrum.

It is now up to the new leader, Fofi Gennimata, and the leadership group that will work with her, to realise the expectations of thousands of citizens who delivered a vote of confidence and offered a real prospect for the new endeavour.

Following the wounds that it suffered due to the crisis, and despite the weight that it shouldered in order to save the country, the centre-left is now in a position to chart a difficult but necessary new course.

It is more than obvious that the presence of a renewed and dynamic progressive party is a necessity, not only for its members and friends, but for the country as a whole.

It is equally obvious that the reconstruction of this segment of the political spectrum cannot be achieved with old recipes that correspond with neither today’s conditions, nor with the capabilities of the country.

The Democratic Alliance – the centre-left – is obliged, as in the past, to become a force fort national reconstruction, which will reverse today’s path of inertia and decline .

With daring, patience and honesty with citizens, as well as with a plan for the country, the centre-left can regain the trust of citizens – and not just those who voted in the leadership election – in order to become a motive force for the productive and political reconstruction of the country.

The centre-left has achieved this in the past and it can achieve it now.

There are obviously no easy answers, but this is the wager and the challenge for the new leadership, which must in the coming period clarify its plans and policies.

These in turn will determine whether the Democratic Alliance, or however else it is named in the end, can lay the groundwork for the new party and create the necessary prospects of regaining a leading role in political life, or whether it will remain a force playing a supplemental role in the current two-party dominance.

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