Editorial: From one experiment to the next…

For the European Union as well as for the domestic political system, Greece during the crisis was a guinea pig which was saddled with exercises unprecedented for a supposedly European country.

Greece is the greatest economic experiment in the history of the Eurozone, the Financial Times opined on the management of the economic crisis in this country.

Indeed, for the European Union as well as for the domestic political system, Greece during the crisis was a guinea pig which was saddled with exercises unprecedented for a supposedly European country.

Light at the end of the tunnel may now be apparent, as everyone is most eager to close the fiscal evaluation by creditors, but the experiment does not seem to be ending, as any exit from the current supervision regime will be replaced by a hybrid solution, as an EU official termed it, the elements of which remain unknown.

It is blatantly obvious that our European partners want to deal less and less with our country, so as to manage the many problems of recasting the European Union.

It is equally obvious that the economy and society cannot withstand further experiments or, even worse, political adventurism.

The end of harsh supervision is pregnant with a series of dangers if the country does not have a comprehensive and realistic national reconstruction plan. That in turn presupposes a minimum national consensus, with a focus on reform policies.

These preconditions are nowhere to be seen. Indeed, they are undermined by the climate of political polarisation cultivated mainly by the government.

The predominant objective in the prime minister’s office is by all means necessary to ensure the preconditions for a satisfactory showing for Syriza in the next elections, whenever they may be held.

This explains the government’s eagerness to offer handouts of benefits that may temporarily offer a respite for citizens devastated by the crisis, but that do not offer real prospects for their lives.

As long as we proceed with tourism as the only dynamic sector in the economy, and with taxation strangling every productive force, we will not see substantial growth.

The result is that the light at the end of the tunnel awaited by us and the Europeans – for them so that they can be rid of us and our problems – is in danger of being extinguished before we have a chance to really see it.

To Vima

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