The matter of Dimitris Koufodinas’ prison furlough does not involve merely a formal enforcement of the law, as the government would have it, above all because this is a div that symbolises the terrorist violence, with all that it entails, that bedeviled Greece for three decades and continues to do so.

Perhaps even worse, as the reception for Koufodinas upon his release from prison shows, he continues to be a model for a new generation of mindless folk who skip no chance to demonstrate their presence. The latest incident of the murderous attack on Pasok party headquarters is still very fresh.

One must not forget that Dimitris Koufodinas has not surrendered his gun, the infamous 45 calibre revolver with which he was murdering, and that he misses no opportunity to declare his support for terrorist groups that emerged after the rooting out of the N17 terrorist organisation.

Not only did he not even for a moment express remorse for the murders he committed, but instead he continues to support armed terrorism.

Hence, it does not suffice to evaluate his behavior in prison. One should have also evaluated other elements of his personality and character, as well as the more general repercussions that his case provokes. The reactions of the embassies of the US and the UK, citizens of which were his victims, are indicative.

One cannot ignore that we are not dealing with just any prisoner, but with a person who for many years triggered diplomatic and political complications in our country’s international relations.

Democracy truly does not seek revenge. It is obliged to protect itself and not offer indulgences to those who undermine it. This should be understood by cadres and ministers, such as Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis, who all too easily play the role of moralist and judge, even of the families of Koufodinas’ victims.