Despite what the government declares constantly, on issues related to creditors’ evaluation of Greece’s adjustment programme, instead of running forward it is attempting to avoid the difficult decisions.

A characteristic example is the property auctions issue, which is directly linked to resolving non-performing loans and by extension to the reform and rationalisation of the banking system.

The matter had to reach the Eurogroup, with an intervention by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, for Finance Minister Tsakalotos to make a commitment that the problem will be handled post-haste. That was proceeded by a decision by notaries [who must be present at auctions] to conduct a nationwide strike, which will derail the timetables agreed to by the government if it goes forward.

As vital as the auctions are as an issue for citizens who truly cannot meet their obligation to banks, it is equal obvious that a segment of borrowers systematically avoid paying their debts, even though they are in a position to pay, exploiting legal loopholes and the movement of solidarity, the protesters who express themselves violently every time an auction is attempted.

It is characteristic that various solidarity groups, as notaries have often charged, are not protecting the primary residence of poorer debtors, but rather properties of unreliable or bankrupt businessmen.

Yet another ailment produced by the crisis is the tendency to face all problems by leveling things, considering everyone a victim, whereas in many cases they are the victimisers.

It is also a fact that in the framework of tolerance for violence, police and their superiors were bystanders to the abuse and attacks on notaries who dared to show up at auctions.

Now, after the last Eurogroup, the government is forced – as the issue is a precondition for closing the fiscal evaluation – to stop playing the role of Pontius Pilate and to start taking specific measures to protect and enforce the law. That is as long as the opposition within the ruling party does not rise up to declare that memorandums that violate their leftist credentials will not be implemented…