Democracy between the mythical Cyanean rocks

Last week, the French daily Le Monde, in an opinion piece, rang the alarm bells for democracy and warned everyone of the consequences.

Last week, the French daily Le Monde, in an opinion piece, rang the alarm bells for democracy and warned everyone of the consequences.

It wrote, characteristically that, “Democracy is receding and is less and less attractive, even in the West.” “In the stock market of political regimes, the value of its stock is falling.”

The author added that, “If after the fall of the Wall liberal democracy seemed invincible, today autarchic government is returning, taking on a competitive role.”

“In contrast to the argument of supporters of techno-liberalism, autarchy is reconcilable with globalised capitalism and the digital revolution.”

The author underlined that, “The Communist Party of China appears as a model for developing countries.” He arrived at the sad conclusion that, “Old liberal democracies with free elections, a separation of powers and a free press are facing a problem.”

These are bleak observations which cannot leave any democratic citizen unmoved. In Greece, one now finds quite a few supporters of “autarchic governance” without searching too much.

It is also due to the atmosphere, the political climate, and political practices , but also the stance of parties and leaders, their exposure, the relationships they enter into and the interests that coordinate with them, the way they conduct politics, and the prevalent dogma that “your death is my life”, which altogether favour such views and approaches.

The strategy of tension that certain politicians choose, especially the ruling party and those who seek power, the unethical means to which they resort, the mechanisms of political annihilation and the moral discrediting of opponents that they use, the unethical propaganda , the cultivation of false hopes that are quashed overnight, but also the inability , the lack of knowledge and of understanding of the problems of the contemporary world, the vacuous visions and the baseless, unrealistic objectives poison democracy, and make the state accountable to citizens.

In our case, especially over the last years, horrid things have occurred. The separation of powers has been obliterated. The justice system is used as a system of political discrediting, as a tool of political domination, while at the same time there are efforts to fully control the press, to disseminate the one and only truth, the one that suits those in power.

Greece over the last eight years has passed through the mythical Cyanean rocks, through trials and tribulations. During the crisis, individuals and parties were tested, Democracy itself has suffered continuous attacks, and her enemies entered the parliament. Moreover, countless saboteurs are working unimpeded, directly declaring that they want to destroy democracy.

Still, democracy stood up and endured, and remains an untaken fortifications, because it simply embodies unspoken qualities and goods which only when lost are appreciated.

Everyone knows that the democratic form of government is difficult and demanding. But it has been proven, as Churchill said, that there is no better.

That is why it requires respect from politicians, and defense and support from citizens, who are its only guarantors.


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