Amyntaio, first days of July 2014.

Alexis Tsipras, after winning in European Parliament elections and leaving Nea Dimokratia 3,5% behind, with his sleeves rolled up, spoke with anger for “a crime against the nation for the selling off of the Public Power Corporation (DEI).

He targeted MPs of Nea Dimokratia and PaSoK because Greek government by using their vote wanted “to demolish, to destroy a corporation that was founded on the short supplies of Greek people”.

He gave promises that he would overturn any agreement for the “small” DEI reporting “a rififi, a plundering” by the 30% that Nea Dimokratia and PaSoK had in parliament then and warned the then Prime minister that he was not “morally and politically authorized to make decisions in the absence of the first party delivering to SYRIZA a scorched earth».

A referendum for DEI never happened. Today’s government is composed of two parties (SYRIZA / ANEL) that according to opinion polls have 17% and make decisions in the absence of the first party, Nea Dimokratia which has a bigger than 15 digits lead.

In DEI, however, various “crimes” have been committed thus the biggest public corporation in Greece is on the verge of a financial breakdown and if the 200 millions bond will not be paid back until the end of April, it ‘s possible that DEI will take the whole country down.

Dimitra Kroustalli

Originally published in the Sunday print edition