Editorial: Tsipras is giving in to the temptation of elections

The Prime Minister did not resist the temptation, as To Vima argued over the weekend...

The Prime Minister did not resist the temptation, as To Vima argued over the weekend, and he suddenly announced that he will distribute 617 million euros among the pensioners and suspend the VAT hike for the islands of the north Aegean Sea, creating an election campaign atmosphere. Undoubtedly the gift is welcome by pensioners, but it obviously does not resolve their problems.

Following the example of Samaras in 2014, Tsipras obviously believes that this way he will appease a section of voters who are extremely disappointed by his politics and breach of promises. Recent history has shown that no government stuck in a rut managed to save itself with benefits, no matter how many are announced.

Once again the Prime Minister chose the usual path of surprising the European and IMF. With the second review still open, the IMF demanding additional measures, many issues – such as labor reforms – being a point of friction, thus casting the completion in doubt, the Prime Minister went ahead with a unilateral move, creating another front.

It is likely that with this move he is preparing the ground for a general conflict, since his parliamentary group and electoral audience cannot endure any further measures. Because it is certain that the distribution of small section of the excessive taxes will not change the economy, nor provide more than a small breath to the struggling people.

The critical issue of closing the review and returning to normality seems to be postponed once again for opportunistic political purposes. Instead of an overall plan to reduce taxes and restructure the economy, populist short-term approaches are once again prevailing.

As it seems, the Prime Minister cannot understand that along with his strength and that of his party, the strength of society is also being diminished. No debt relied, after 2030 as he claims, nor any gifts to the pensioners will change the climate and situation in the country. If he does not realize it and cannot endure it, obviously the only path for himself, the economy and society is elections…


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