Editorial: Taxes and asphyxiation do not go on vacation…

The government and political system as a whole may have entered a summer holiday...

The government and political system as a whole may have entered a summer holiday mode, but despite the apparent calm, society and the economy are literally boiling. The major hope, tourism, is still in murky waters and all indications suggest that even if foreign tourist arrivals are satisfactory, the revenue will fall short of the expectations. The turnover of businesses, even supermarkets, is constantly dropping, while the taxpaying ability of the people is being exhausted at a staggering rate.

Indicatively, those who agreed upon a settlement a few months ago are now unable to cope and as a result their debts are soaring. Something similar is going on with the insurance fund contributions, where debts have exploded to 25 billion euros. According to reports the government is prepared to ask the troika for another settlement, with more relaxed terms perhaps, but even if it is approved, it is doubtful if it will be effective.

Behind this fluid scenery of summer calm comes a hot fall. The contradictory messages emanating from the government are undermining any indications of stabilization. The persistence on excessive taxation has pushed those who work and businesses that barely manage to survive, to their limits. With the new ENFIA bills being prepared, the tax payments in progress and income constantly being reduced, the next two months will be decisive for the future of the budget.

It is clear that the government cannot bare the idea that it will have to implement the infamous fiscal adjustment mechanism. After the anger caused by the reduction of supplementary pension, it seems that its political strength is waning, with all that entails. It is no coincidence that rumors of elections have been circulating once again…

The last thing the country needs is political uncertainty. We have paid enough for the games last summer, it will be criminal if some think that they can repeat them.


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