Gerovasili confirms new measures will be worth 5.4 billion euros

Government spokesperson Olga Gerovasili announced on Tuesday that the new measures required by the country’s creditors...

Government spokesperson Olga Gerovasili announced on Tuesday that the new measures required by the country’s creditors will amount to 5.4 billion euros, namely 3% of the GDP.

These funds are expected to derive equally from the critical pension system reform, as well as changes in taxation and indirect taxation. These measures are to be finalized by Friday, so that talks with the institutions may resume on Monday.

The government appears to be pleased, since the IMF initially demanded that the new measures must be to the tune of 4.5% of the country’s GDP, which amounts to 9 billion euros.

Following this development, the government is confident that the bailout program review will conclude on scheduled, namely by the Orthodox Easter. The Eurogroup scheduled for the 22nd of April will be crucial in confirming the progress achieved.

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