Gennimata sets sights on “recovery, unity and expansion of PASOK”

The leader of PASOK Fofi Gennimata argued that her goal in the upcoming general elections is “the recovery, unity and...

Gennimata sets sights on “recovery, unity and expansion of PASOK”

The leader of PASOK Fofi Gennimata argued that her goal in the upcoming general elections is “the recovery, unity and expansion” of her party, in a Monday morning appearance on Mega Channel.

When further pressed about her expectations, Mrs. Gennimata avoided further elaborating and noted that the goal of the elections must be an “efficient government for the country”. She added that such a government would require the broadest possible popular support in order to carry out the necessary reforms

The PASOK leader further claimed that her party has undertaken the largest part of the burden of implementing reforms in recent years and has experienced officers. She estimated that SYRIZA will be unable to form a government on its own and that a two-party government cannot function properly, if one of the two partners leads and the other follows.

Later on Mrs. Gennimata explained that in order for the coalition government that will emerge from the upcoming elections to carry out the necessary reforms and improvements to the bailout agreement, the parties will need to be clear about their goals. She also announced that she would soon present a road map and specific time frames that she considers necessary for such an alliance.

Additionally she denounced SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras for reneging on his commitment to abolish the 50-seat bonus given to the party that comes first in the elections. The PASOK leader argued that without this bonus in place, the second party would be forced to assume its responsibilities and participate in the government. She also claimed that this would end the lying and electioneering.

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