Snap election to take place on the 20th of September

The snap election called by the Prime Minister on Thursday evening will most likely take place on the 20th of September, as it...

Snap election to take place on the 20th of September

The snap election called by the Prime Minister on Thursday evening will most likely take place on the 20th of September, as it appears that the exploratory mandate process that President Pavlopoulos initiated will conclude by Thursday evening.

According to information made available to the President has been informed by the SYRIZA, the Independent Greeks and the Communist Party that they are not willing to participate in a government and as such, the current Parliament will have to dissolve.

At present the President has handed over an exploratory mandate to the provisional leader of the main opposition party, who will likely be unable to form a government. Next in line for an exploratory mandate is Panagiotis Lafazanis’ Popular Union. Should Mr. Lafazanis also fail to form a government, elections will be called.

This process is expected to last until Thursday, after which point the President will have to accept the resignation of Mr. Tsipras and appoint the president of the Supreme Court Vasiliki Thanou as transitional Prime Minister. The transitional government must be sworn in on Saturday and may only feature extra-parliamentary divs.

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