Agreement may result in snap elections being called for 25th October

While the government has focused its efforts in the critical negotiations with the institutions, in order to reach an agreement by...

Agreement may result in snap elections being called for 25th October

While the government has focused its efforts in the critical negotiations with the institutions, in order to reach an agreement by the end of August, the possibility of early elections later in the year still looms and is dependent on the political developments that will follow.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras underlined the need for stability in his Wednesday appearance at the Ministry of Agricultural Development, while stressing the necessity of reaching an agreement with Greece’s international creditors.

At the same time though, SYRIZA’s ‘internal opposition’, the Left Platform, also appears to be adamant about voting against the new bailout agreement that is being prepared. The Left Platform leader Panagiotis Lafazanis recently gave a speech in Thessaloniki, which was interpreted as an election campaign appearance.

Similarly, the President of Parliament Zoi Konstantopoulou gave a press conference on Wednesday, where she repeated claims regarding a “framework of extortion” and underlined that the government will not be overthrown by those who support it in pursuing its election campaign program and pledges.

Given the escalation of tension and conflict within the governing party, the likelihood of general elections being called this year has increased. According to Ta Nea, the 25th of October is a likely candidate for elections in autumn. The government spokesperson Olga Gerovasili has not ruled out the possibility of snap elections in the fall.

SYRIZA MP and Vice President of Parliament Alexis Mitropoulos however has expressed doubts as to the usefulness of snap elections. In an interview for Mega Channel he explained that it would be preferable and necessary to form a broad negotiating team with significant political, social and scientific authority.

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