The leader of the River party Stavros Theodorakis appeared on Yannis Pretenteris’ Anatropi television show on Monday evening, where he favored he election of a new President by the current Parliament on condition that general elections follow in November 2015.
Mr. Theodorakis argued that his party would seek to cooperate with any party after the elections, particularly with people who have progressive ideas. Nevertheless, Mr. Theodorakis was highly critical of the main opposition party SYRIZA, which he accused of doublespeak. He also underlined that a SYRIZA government with 151 MPs would be unable to run the country due to the significant differences of opinion.
Regarding the recent developments, Mr. Theodorakis opined that neither the government nor the opposition are in the position to carry out the negotiations with the troika. Mr. Theodorakis also stressed that it was not the right time to suggest a debt haircut, adding that denial of debt cannot be a policy.
The party leader repeated his claim that he does not want to be a minister in a potential coalition government, that he intends to resign from politics at the age of 60 and that his dream is for “many creators to enter the game”.