Court issues guilty verdict for two foremen in Manolada shooting

The Jury Court of Patra has issued guilty verdicts for two of the four men arrested over the attack and shooting against migrants...

The Jury Court of Patra has issued guilty verdicts for two of the four men arrested over the attack and shooting against migrants working in the strawberry fields of Manolada in April 2013.

Specifically, the court found two foremen, Giorgos Haloulos and Theodoros Apostolopoulos, guilty of serious bodily harm and abetting serious bodily harm from neglect respectively. Giorgos Haloulos was sentenced to 14 years and 7 months, while Theodoros Apostolopoulos received an 8 year and 7 month sentence.

The other two suspects, strawberry trader Nikos Vagelatos and another foreman, Kostas Haloulos, were found innocent against the recommendations of the prosecution.

The shooting in Manolada took place after a group of the migrant workers complained about their employers refusing to pay them their wages. In response to the complaints, the foremen attempted to disperse the migrants with shotguns, injuring 28 of the migrant workers.

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