According to the application for lifting the immunity of Golden Dawn MPs Germenis, Iliopoulos and Boukouras, investigative judges Georgouleas and Papakostas believe that the ultra nationalist party’s intent is to overthrow the government. The judges explained in their application to the relevant Parliamentary Committee that there is evidence suggesting that the six MPs who have been prosecuted for money laundering are responsible for a number of other crimes related to treason.
The accompanying report reveals that Golden Dawn began as a closed group promoting National Socialism and began publishing a self-titled magazine in 1987. Later the group developed a political party and “operations” section, which were both commanded by Nikos Michaloliakos.
Evidence suggests that Germenis, who used to perform in a black metal band, was involved in picking new recruits, while Iliopoulos was tasked with their ideological indoctrination. Boukouras is believed to have collected and stored weapons used in training camps and attacks.
Golden Dawn’s organization is based on the hierarchy of the Nazi party, with its supreme and undisputed leader at the top of the chain of command. The organization promoted an ideology of racial purity and urged violence against those not deemed to belong to the Aryan race, such as immigrants, homosexuals, Roma gypsies etc. The investigative judges underline that violence was not a means, but an end in itself.
The application for suspending the parliamentary immunity of Golden Dawn MPs is available here.